What I Bought During Quarantine (March-June 2020)


I think we can all agree when I say this has been a very interesting year thus far. At this point, I’m not even sure if we’re still in quarantine or not, but if we’re being technical, I went into a self-appointed quarantine at the beginning of March and shortly after that the city of LA went into “Shelter in Place”. I believe the orders ended in July, but the way things are looking, who knows. Either way, I’ll still be spending a lot of time indoors and doing my most of shopping from home.

While I spent a lot of time reading, self-reflecting and honing new and old skills, I also did my fair share of shopping during quarantine. From revamping my living area to stepping up my skincare regimen, to impulse clothing buys... there’s a little something that speaks to all of my interests. If you’ve been following my stories on Instagram I’ve saved most of my purchases under my “favorite things” highlight, but I figured I’d put them all in one post and share them with you!

Also, it may look like I spent a lot, but if you know me, you know that most of my buys were the product of a good sale! 

To make things a little easier, I’ve broken up my quarantine purchases into the following categories:

Home Decor, Kitchen, and Bath 

Being quarantined gave me the opportunity to focus on some long overdue home projects, make a few updates to my decor, and discover my love for making lattes!

Hair, Beauty, and Skincare 

During quarantine, I literally became my own hair stylist, esthetician, and nail tech! Check out my earlier blog posts on my at-home blowout and must have skin care products.

Content Creating Equipment 

Creating content for the blog and Instagram was a great way for me to channel my creative energy and really kept me going on days where I started to get cabin fever. Check out my #quaratinelife and #quaratinekitchen highlights on Instagram!

Clothing, Shoes, and Accessories  

Although I didn’t have places to wear everything I purchased and I pretty much lived in loungewear, I caught some great sales that were too good to pass up!

At-Home Fitness 

Not being able to go to the gym was not going to stop me from working out. Between riding my bike and my indoor spin and mat workouts on the Peloton app, I was determined to stay in shape during quarantine.

* I rented a spin bike from my local spin studio for my at home workouts. The older version of this bike can be found here for $599.


After binge-watching almost everything on Netflix and every other streaming services, I needed to take a break from the screen and get in some good ‘ol fashion reading. Thanks to quarantine I was also able to finally get around to reading books that I had previously purchased, as well.

Quarantine Wellness Essentials

I was already a germaphobe prior to COVID-19, but my vigilance towards not getting sick increased once we went into quarantine. From wearing a mask to spraying lysol on everything to washing and sanitizing my hands up to 15 times a day, I’ve managed to remain COVID-19 free!

What are some of your favorite quarantine purchases? Feel free to share in the comments, below!

Stay safe and healthy!
