5 Habits to Add to Your Morning Work From Home Routine

Work From Home Morning Routine - Simply Sheena Marie

Entering week 18 of work from home life with an every changing return to work date and at this point I’ve had to Make a few adjustments in my morning routine to make sure I can remained focused.  Sometimes when you’re working from home for long periods, you tend to get a little comfortable.

Whether it’s getting into a habit of only getting dressed from the waist up or not taking the time to really gather your thoughts before jumping into the day, If not addressed the small things can turn into big things. I too find myself slipping from time to time so I’ve decided to add some structure back into my mornings by making sure  these 5 things are included in my work from home morning routine. 

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5 Habits to Add to Your Morning Work from home Routine

  1. Prayer/Meditation - Give thanks for the new day and another opportunity to live your purpose and set your intentions for the day. 

  2. Take a cold shower - Ok I know this may sound a little extra, but taking a cold shower in the morning has been known to increase alertness, improve your immune system, ease stress and relieve depression. 

  3. Make the Bed/Tidy Up  - Making your bed in the mornings and addressing other small tasks like taking out the trash or straightening up your work area can give you a small sense of accomplishment early in the day and also take some stress out your end of day routine. The good thing is, all of these things can be taken care of in 30 min or less. 

  4. Have some coffee and/or Tea - Whether it’s coffee, tea, a smoothie,  or fruit infused water, an energy boosting morning beverage will make you feel ready to take on the day! I myself have become quite the espresso connoisseur since purchasing my Nespresso Vertuo Machine, back in May. 

  5. Make a Daily To-Do list - Having a visual of what you need to get done  in a  day helps you stay on track and gives you a sense of accomplishment as you check each task off of your list. 

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I hope you found these tips to be helpful! For more WFH tips, check out my other WFH blog post on productivity, here.

Ps. Make sure you remember to take a break!
